
Treatments of

Dr. Madhuri Sarkar

MBBS, MD - Psychiatrist

Rx of Depression

Feeling sad, not finding pleasurable activities pleasurable anymore, inability to focus on tasks, forgetting, making mistakes in school/college, daily chores becoming tiresome, feeling fatigued, loosing interest in everything, lack of self confidence , disturbed sleep,reduced appetite , feeling guilty, Isolating oneself. finding each day hopeless helpless & worthless, having recurrent suicidal thoughts.

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Rx of Anxiety Disorder

Rx of Anxiety Disorder feeling worried, tensed, inability to sleep, feeling restless , Feeling on the edge, constant worry of future misgivings l anxious foreboding inability to relax ,muscle tension panic, phobias, feeling embarrassed or judged in Social situation, feeling oneself as inadequate, flawed, worried about body image/looks fear of particular object ( insects, animals) or situation like flying, water, Heights etc. Post traumatic stress management and mitigation of further anxiety disorder.

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Rx of Bipolar Disorder

Rx of Bipolar disorder Manic & depressive episodes. Manic episodes Denoted with increased energy,excessive happiness, laughing /dancing unnecessarily, big talks, speaking loudly or very fast, aggressive, increased activity, spending spree, increased sexuality, too much grooming, risky behaviour lasting for few days or months followed by depressive episodes. Highly recurrent illness and needs immediate attention.

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Rx of OCD

Rx of OCD ( obsessive compulsive disorder). Repeated hand/Leg washing, repeating particular act, repeated checking, counting and praying, inability to resist a particular thought that comes repeatedly, obsession with symmetry, sexual or religious obsession.

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Rx of Schizophrenia & Related Psychosis

Patients usually present with bizarre or abnormal behaviour, wandering off, erratic or unexplained acts. Fearfulness that some people may harm him/ her. Feeling suspicious towards spouse or other relatives, people may be talking about him/her. Hearing voices that no one else can hear, threatening voices & so often seen muttering to self or making weird gesture in the air. Ocassional aggression or violent behaviour. Sleepless, lack of care for self & others & usually stops working. Schizophrenia usually runs a chronic course & the prognoses depends on multiple socio-demographic & clinical factors. Earlier & compliant treatment yields better results. Catatonic features are also seen in some patients.

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Rx of Alcohol & Drugs Addiction

Addiction to various substances like alcohol ,cannabis, ganja, brown sugar, N 10 (nitrazepam ) and SP ( spasmoproxyvon - muscle relaxant) and other addictive sleep medicine, intra venous drug addiction, benzodiazepines addiction, diazepam use, cocaine, LSD and hallucinogenic agents, amphetamine use, dendrite, whitener, inhalant fumes, paint, tobacco addiction & nicotine addiction. Excessive Mobile or smart phone addictions, online or offline gaming addiction addiction to Masturbation,sex addiction , excessive shopping and gambling,Deaddiction, treatment of withdrawal state, treatment of relapses, relapse prevention and rehabilitation.

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Rx of Sleep Disorder

Insomnia, increased sleep, sleep walking, sleep talking, excessive movements during sleep,& abnormal sleep movements. Sleep rhythm abnormalities, delayed sleep onset, bruxism, nightmare, sleep paralysis, unrestful sleep. A holistic approach of therapy and medication to combat sleep problems. Understanding of Sleep hygiene and it’s application in daily life.

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Rx of Sexual Problems

Rx of sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, intimacy issues, sexual education, women sexual dysfunction, hypoactive sexual problems in men and women, drug induced sexual dysfunction, vaginismus, dyspareunia, anorgasmia, hormonal imbalances. Relationship issues amongst partners. Dhat syndrome, koro syndrome are treated with utmost privacy and appropriate education.

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Education and understanding of gender Dysphoria, evaluation of gender Dysphoria, parental guidance and education on the concept of gender related issues. It should be noted no therapy for forcefully accepting the biological gender is practised. Individual are motivated to understand the coming out process, and acceptance of psychological gender as the true gender is the primary goal. Education on rights of LGBTQ and sexual reconstruction surgery and hormonal therapy. A guide for gender non conforming, transgender, gender fluid and same sex partner related issues.

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Pain and Illness Anxiety

Chronic pain is associated with psychological problems, neuropathic pain, spondylitis, headache, migraine, stress related headache, tension pattern headache. Worry about developing major or fatal illness, preoccupation with one’s health, hypochondriasis. Sudden onset pf shortness of breath, seizures like activity, blindness, inability to speak or swallow after experiencing some traumatic event. Depersonalisation and derealisation is often a manifestation of unresolved childhood trauma.

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Eating Disorder

Eating disorder like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, obesity, stress eating or night time abnormal eating problems. Concerns about body weight, body image, feared to be perceived as fat or ugly, or a victim of body shaming. Unhealthy eating habits or abnormal change in eating habits.

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Dementia & Old Age Psychological Problems

Treatment of alzhimers disease, frontal lobe dementia, caregiver stress and anxiety. Behavioural therapy in combination with medications to mitigate the ongoing Neuro degeneration. Coping skills, stress reduction for old age depression, old age anxiety and old age sleep problems. Parkinson’s disease and old age neurological problems.

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Child Psychiatrist

Assessment and management of intellectual disability, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disorder, specific learning disorder, communication disorder, tics and Tourette disorder. Management of nocturnal enuresis.

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Child Psychological Problems

Childhood depression, childhood anxiety disorder, childhood bipolar disorder, childhood onset schizophrenia, childhood OCD, adolescent onset of drug addiction or alcohol addiction.

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Childhood & Adolescent Behaviour Problems

Temper tantrums, food fadiness, stealing, lying, academic problems, relationships issues , sudden anger and violence, oppositional and defiant, conduct disorder, excessive mobile use, bullying.

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Women’s Mental Health Problems

Post partum blues, post partum depression, post partum psychosis,mental health problems associated with-menstrual cycle, mood swings, domestic violence, workplace or home related stress.

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Personality Disorders

Assessment of type of personality disorder and appropriate coping skills and psychotherapy. Impulsive, suicidal, mood swings, attention seeking, avoidant, fearful, cold and aloof, obsessive, borderline personality.

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Grief & Bereavement

Understanding of grief reaction, journey from denial of death to acceptance of death, facilitating mourning to overcome grief, healthy expression of pain and ensuring family support. prevention of further psychological complications.

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Therapy for Adults

Supportive psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation therapy, interpersonal therapy, social Rhythm therapy, behaviour therapy, exposure and response prevention, habit reversal therapy, EMDR, family focused therapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, mindfulness based therapy, acceptance therapy, mentalisation therapy. Motivational training, vocational training, support group, all aimed to avoid future relapses and well integration with the society.

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Therapy for child

Behaviour therapy, star chart technique, play therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, education for parents, parenting skills and guidance.

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Management of chronic pain.

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Assessment & management of Suicidal habits

Assessment and management of Suicidal habits, multiple cut injuries, self harm behaviour, poisoning etc. understanding of suicide red flag signs and how to prevent it.

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